Mumia Free!
By Me.

Today in a shocking turn of events at the Free Mumia Rally in Philly, literally hundreds of protesters were shocked to death when the governor of Pennsylvania showed up and announced that Prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal would be freed at Noon. In a later interview, the Governor was quoted as saying “People were protesting! What the hell was I supposed to do?!” After the statement was made, a wave of mass confusion swept through the crowd. “What do we do now?” shouted several protestors. There was no answer.

Cable Free!
By Someone.

Thousands of happy citizens rioted today as Time warner cable announced their new status as a not for profit group working only off what they make in advertisement spots. One Caucasian male was shot while breaking into “Now! Audio Video” when asked for comment from his hospital room, he said, well If Cable’s free, I should be able to steal TVs too.” Idiot.

Death is Taxed.
By You.

One of the unsung heroes of nature is also the hardest working man in no business. Death is tired and looking for a replacement. The qualifications are in stone and the application process is rigorous, but if you feel like you are up to the task of being the angel of death, go to www.notarealwebsite.net to begin the screening process. Mortals need not apply.

Sucks to be You
By that guy.

Oddly enough, some guy fell off a bike today and no one was there to laugh at him. However, that also means there was no one there to give him immediate medical attention which is why I say “SUCKS TO BE YOU.”

Evil in Greensboro.
By Eton Out.

I was told to be at a certain place at a certain time and that someone would give me all the powers deserving of a human of my qualifications. When I got there there was a snapping turtle sitting in the middle of the room just itchin’ for a fight. So I took him on. Needless to say, he beat my ass, proving to me that I did not deserve the powers I would have gotten. So I left to the sound of the snapping turtle yelling “where ya goin’ sissy!”

Shot in the Head.
By Nut and Clever

I heard someone get shot in the head behind my house last week. I got scared and slept with my knife that night.