CORNER for -- oh, forget it. October. 2004. Finito.

We here at YAD did not deem Science as a top priority for this month. We may nto deem it important again for a very long time, that is, until Michael J Fox and Chris Reeve get together and battle Jerry Lewis and Montel Williams. Then, and only then, will we see science for what it truly is:

A point of departure for incredibly low-brow and sick humor. Of course, we here at YAD are far beyond such things, and so should you be. Rather, science hasn't done anything cool or exciting this month - or at least we don't think so -- and since so many inbred pigfarmers across the southeast are digging their wife-sisters out of flattened houses because of multiple hurricanes, people don't much rightly want to hear too many things nosir about that there science for a while.

So, we bid you adieu, until next time fusion energy is laboratory-produced.

Or, next month.