The Rosa Corporation Takes a Hard Line on Drugs

Here at the Rosa Corporation, we understand something those Fat Cats in Congress don't:


Don't misunderstand, we come to this conclusion with a heavy heart, because if the Federal Government would recognize our existence and not shun us based on our continued affiliation with Randy the Holy one, we could drastically decrease the number of drugs entering the country ourselves by seizing it for our top secret research.

How could we succeed where others have failed? Simple, The Rosa Corporation would use it's enforcement drones to patrol inner cities, borders, and of course, rich white households for mandatory "donations". If people refuse to donate their drugs to us, our drones will forcibly take the contraband and donors will be summarily executed. Sounds good, doesn't it?

Well, Fat Cats, we're right here. Stop asking for information about our research of drugs, stop asking us to submit to your so-called "lie detector tests," and get on the ball. The Drones are ready. And we REALLY want to get drugs off the streets and into our top secret facilities. It's only fair.