Smilin’ time Café
Your very own man’s man’s man about town, Cobalt Steele.

There’s a place down town that I found out about week before last, and though I don’t typically get excited about non-Krispy-Kreme restaurants, I’ve been back three or four times in the past two weeks. First off, I have to say the scenery is top notch. The best way to describe it is imagine that a guy who owned a hunting lodge decided to open up a diner. He didn’t want to sell all his trophies so he moved them into a diner and set up shop. Now imagine that the wait staff is stocked with none but the most top-notch hiney.

Yeah, now you’ve got an idea of what it’s like to set foot into
“The Smilin’ Time Café.”

It’s a great place to go when you’ve got half a pack of smokes, a taste for coffee and an hour to kill. Pull up a chair. Sit down. At the table next to you some guy with messy hair and wild eyes is scribbling furiously into a composition book. God knows about what. Behind you, some mathematician is tapping the eraser of his pencil nub to his chin between making sparse marks on unlined paper. You can spend hours there. For a lot of people, it seems to be a wellspring of creativity. People come here just to be alone with their thoughts which seem to grow dense at any given table.

Then, after the initial settling period, one of the most beautiful lasses you’ve ever seen saunter’s up to your table to take your order. This is not one of those cafes where the girls are the gimmick though. The cafe doesn’t dictate uniform or dress in any fashion, nor does it mandate an all girl staff or even give preferential treatment to women applicants. It just works out that way.

At this point, if you’ve never been to the café, you may wonder why I wasn’t looking through a menu during what I call the settling period. Well… that’s just something you’re going to have to discover for your self when you go there. Moreover, All I will say about the karte is, it’s not the very best food in the world, but it’s not the worst. It’s good enough to make you want to come back. The portions seemed to be just large enough so that there’s a little left over for the doggie bag.

I really can’t say enough good about the café. I can’t really tell you how to get there either. All I can say is that If you need to find the Café, You will. And nobody can change that.